In December 2019, the then Education Council agreed that Version 3 of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLPs) would be used for the alpha phase of the Online Formative Assessment Initiative in 2020. Consistent with that decision, Version 3 was initially made available on the alpha project website. This enabled interested schools and jurisdictions to access Version 3 if they wished. It also allowed other schools and jurisdictions that were using Version 2 of the NLNLPs time to transition their implementation support to Version 3.
In 2020 ACARA was tasked with conducting a review of the Australian Curriculum. In 2022 an updated Australian Curriculum was endorsed by education ministers and published on a revised Australian Curriculum website In the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0, Literacy and Numeracy are presented as learning progressions, which were based on the Version 3 NLNLPs. To access the updated Version 3 NLNLPs, visit the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website to view the Literacy and Numeracy general capabilities.
The latest version of the Literacy learning progression is available on the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website: and the Numeracy learning progression is available on the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website: