This element involves students developing an awareness of their own emotional states, needs and perspectives.
Students identify and describe the factors that influence their emotional responses. They develop a realistic sense of their personal abilities, qualities and strengths through knowing what they are feeling in the moment, and having a realistic assessment of their own abilities and a well-grounded sense of self-knowledge and self-confidence. Students reflect on and evaluate their learning, identify personal characteristics that contribute to or limit their effectiveness and learn from successes or failures. In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students:
- recognise emotions
- recognise personal qualities and achievements
- understand themselves as learners
- develop reflective practice.
Level 1a
Recognise emotions
recognise and identify their own emotions
Recognise personal qualities and achievements
express a personal preference
Understand themselves as learners
select tasks they can do in different learning contexts
Develop reflective practice
recognise and identify participation in or completion of a task
Level 1b
Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:
Recognise emotions
identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions
Recognise personal qualities and achievements
identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, and explore what influences these
Understand themselves as learners
identify their abilities, talents and interests as learners
Develop reflective practice
reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements
Level 2
Typically by the end of Year 2, students:
Recognise emotions
compare their emotional responses with those of their peers
Recognise personal qualities and achievements
identify and describe personal interests, skills and achievements and explain how these contribute to family and school life
Understand themselves as learners
discuss their strengths and weaknesses as learners and identify some learning strategies to assist them
Develop reflective practice
reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school