This element involves students managing and operating ICT to investigate, create and communicate.
Students apply technical knowledge and skills to select, use and troubleshoot appropriate digital technologies. They develop an understanding of hardware and software components, and operations of appropriate ICT systems, including their functions, processes, procedures and devices. Students apply technical knowledge and skills to efficiently and securely manage and maintain digital data. In developing and acting with ICT capability, students:
- select and use hardware and software
- understand ICT systems
- manage digital data.
Level 1
Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:
Select and use hardware and software
identify and safely operate ICT systems to complete relevant simple specified tasks and seek help when encountering a problem
Understand ICT systems
identify common consumer ICT systems with input and output functions
Manage digital data
save and retrieve digital data with support
Level 2
Typically by the end of Year 2, students:
Select and use hardware and software
identify and safely operate a selected range of appropriate devices, software, functions and commands when operating an ICT system and attempt to solve a problem before seeking help
Understand ICT systems
identify the main components of common consumer ICT systems, their fundamental functions, and describe them using basic ICT terminology
Manage digital data
manage and maintain digital data with guidance
Level 3
Typically by the end of Year 4, students:
Select and use hardware and software
identify and independently operate a range of devices, software, functions and commands, taking into consideration ergonomics when operating appropriate ICT systems, and seek solutions when encountering a problem
Understand ICT systems
identify and compare the use of the main components of different ICT systems
Manage digital data
manage and maintain digital data using common methods